Learning Styles Inventory


You will take this “Learning Style Inventory” during class to determine the learning style that is best suited to you! Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic? The results might suprise you and prove to be priceless as you can use this information to be more successful in school.


Tests will be administered online during class time. Many colleges and even the Department of Education are instituting online testing for immediate feedback and objective grading. We are conducting online testing for these same reasons and to give students exposure to this testing format. In order to maintain test security, each test is randomly generated from a bank of questions written by your teachers. This means that no two tests are exactly the same, but they will both cover the same content.

The tests are located at http://www.studyisland.com/web/index/

Hello world!

Welcome to the Physical Science class website!

Contained within these pages you will find:

  • Video lectures on every major topic we will study this year
  • A forum to hold discussions with your peers
  • Select handouts to build your portfolio (please note, not all documents will be available in a digital format)
  • Links to required and optional resources

We encourage you to visit these pages as often as you need- at home or in class. We also invite your parents and/or guardians to visit this website so that you can finally answer the question, “What did you do at school today?”